Monday, September 3, 2012

The Beginning...

Pride and Prejudice begins, "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."  Well Jane, times have changed.  Which is to say, Truth's have changed.  Today, if a single man is in possession of a good fortune, it means he probably needs a good broker.

Would it be more correct to say that opinions have changed?  Aren't our opinions what we consider to be truth?  What might be true for me may not be true for you.  For the argument's sake, let's just stick with Truth.  Either way, time marches on and what was true in the 18th century may or may not be true in the 19th or 20th century. I would like to focus on what I believe to be true.  You may agree or disagree, but it's my blog.

Here are some truth's I am sure about today. (Keep in mind, I am a 40 something, devoted wife and mother of 4 boys, LDS, former Canadian, and my truth's change from time to time).

1.  Life is Good!
2. Chocolate Cake is awesome and a great joy in life.
3. Exercising is hard.
4. The Kardashians are a complete waste of time.
5. Raising kids today is not for wimps.
6. Money is not the key to happiness, but it sure helps.
7. Good books have healing powers.
8. Freckles on little boys faces melt my heart.
9. God has a plan for us. (And it's different for everyone).
10. I have a voice, and would like to be heard.

Let's just conquer one truth at a time.  Today's truth is Life is Good!

Today is Labor Day.  (Labour Day for my Canadian friends).  Being a holiday, I wanted to do something fun with my kids.  As usual, we all slept in (a favorite in our household) and enjoyed not having to jump at the buzzing from a crazed cell phone alarm, signaling the start of the day.  Strolling down to the kitchen, I discovered the chocolate cake I had made the day before for my husband's birthday.  Of course, I grabbed a fork and just had a "little something" from the side of the cake.  By the way, if you never get a plate out and just sneak a little from the side, the calories don't really count.  Cake for breakfast is divine!
Around noon, a couple of the kids and their friends went with me to hike the "Y". Which is to hike a big trail to the huge "Y" painted on the side of the mountain.  I haven't done this particular hike for about 3 years and let me tell you, it was a killer.  I'm sure I will have a day where I discuss my lack of enthusiasm for exercise, so I'll save you the details except to say that I resent the man who was running the up the trail while I was making my way down.  Nobody likes a show off.  But I survived, and now here I am creating my 1st blog post.  Life is Good!

Life is good does not mean life is not hard.  Those two things exist simultaneously.  It's just that if I can focus of the good things in my life, it doesn't seem as hard.  I don't always use my focusing power in this manner. A lot of the time I can get swamped by the things that are hard and struggle to find the good.  But today, the good prevails.  The sun is shining, my kids are happy, and my husband is busy whittling away at the pinewood derby car that Coop will be racing Tuesday night. The colors of the leaves on the mountain are changing, signaling that fall is coming sooner than I'd like.  But it's beautiful!   Life is good--This is today's truth.